بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

fire cracker

Every single content in this heaven is just my stuff . Thalover's things . So , if you're about to bring this stuff out of this cage , every consequences are under your own responsibilities . I dont take responsibility if there are any unsatisfied things that occur because of my writing . I dont really care about what I wrote , & definitely not dealing with it . ;) -
Assalamualaikum. n_nV

Hai, fuh lama gila-gila dah aku tak bukak or menaip or melihat (cewah) aku punya blog ni. Dah bersarang semut dah. Ok tipu mana boleh semut masuk dlm ni. Ye dak? Btw, td masa aku nk sign in aku punya blog tetiba je saat aku key in password , dia cakap password yg aku taip tu dah ditukar 3 bulan lepas. Ahh apa ni?! Mana ada aku tuka. Tipu ah. Mencikkk ah cani. So dgn kebijaksanaan yg still tertinggal dalam diri ni, aku pn berjaya hack password sendiri. Hebat tak? Hebat tak? Hihihi. *claps ntok diri sendiri*

So, here i am!! I backkk!!! (krik..krik..) Hmm , aku nk ucap Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak semua yg beragama Islam. Alhamdulillah, ada rezeki lagi aku jumpa Ramadhan kali ni o:) . Puasa lah. Takyah nk malas sangat. Bagi yg bercita-cita nk kurus mulus tulus tu, ni lah masanya nk start. Jom lah kita bakar bunuh hiris semua lemak yg ada. Bagi dorg mati dgn aman sikit. Dalam bulan yg mulia ini.

Takda apa sgtlah aku nk taip ntok kali ni. So sampai sini jela dulu bebelan ntok sesi hari ni. Nanti aku taip lagi eh. Sebarang kesilapan ketypo-an tu tolonglah maafkan. Aku dah lama tak menaip byk mcmni , so biasalah tu kesilpan kecil-kecilan tu. Manusia buat silap kot, takyahlah nk kecoh sgt. Eh, maaf saya emosi.

Ok ok , selamat tinggal anda semua.Terima kasih sbb sudi dtg pada celoteh kali ini. Nanti jgn lupa bukak puasa pulak. Mentang diet nanti sebulan tak makan, rumah kata pergi kubur kata meh sini lah cita diaa.


*Pecah kaca pecah gelas, selesai baca harap blah*

life is no Nintendo games.

I cant tell you what it really is. I only can tell you what it feels like. I cant breathe but I still fight for all I can fight. But tears wont stop falling frm my eyes. God, I'm torn apart inside.
 I blame myself for letting me trust that this wont happen again. That I can always hold on to this. That no matter how hurt it really is, I always want it. Its like I'm huffing the paint and I like it. And this is where I right before I drown. I guess, I dont know my own strength. Because I love you more than before.
Do you ever love somebody that much? That you could barely breathe when you're with them. That when it comes to love, you're as blind as it is.
Time keep slipping by. My faith get low. The things that I seems to hold on to, its fade. It gets harder everyday. The promises that we make when we're happy, it seems not strong enough to kept when we're sad. Now I know we said things, did things that we didnt mean to. Every each time I ask you if you will ever leave, why you said that you wont? Where are you now? I'm not ready for this, because I trust you when you said that you wont go..

But, you dont just get another chances. Life is no nintendo game.

if my heart is your heart & your heart is mine. What yours feel when mine is broken? :/

Hey peeps. I just woke up frm my one hour sleep and I think I have to write this.  Obviously, this is for my hubby. I just wanna let him know this. I'm sorry sayang.

Its been more than a year since you're mine. But to be truth, I've shared a lot with you. I've done almost every important thing in mylife with you. You just, there. God knows how much I love you. How much I cant live without you. I'm sorry to be such a burden for you sometimes. But to let you hurt is not my intention. I am happy with you. Every little things that make me sad will gone when I am with you. I know I will never be the best for you but I actually tried to be more than anyone deserved having. Hey hunny, you mean alot to me more more more than anyone else. And I am sorry just to love you this much. Because its you that I want in my whole miserable life. Because its you that the only best thing that still happening to me. I dont want it to be end. I am sorry. My blog doesn't work much because I already had you. I dont nid this kind of stuff to share my stories anymore. Because I have you. Sbb tu bila awk tanya knp sy lama tak update blog, sy just gelak je. Because I have you, darl. :)

I love you more than I did before. And if today I didnt see your face, its okay. Nothing changed. No one could take your place. It gets harder everyday. And I am sorry it is this way. I miss you.

I dont know why I have to tap on this but I really want you to know, you mean the whole world to me. I hope Allah will always let you be with me. Because theres nothing much I want more than you. I love you, and I still love you. I just dont know the right word or the right time to tell you all this. If you ever will read this, then I hope you will know. And if not, I hope I will be brave enough to tell you this, someday. If I had one more chance, I will choose you, everytime

Can I keep you for my whole life? Please. :(


Sorry, lately I just have no time to tap on the lappy.

I try to put my mess life on the right track.


Love, Thalover.

Is it?

Betul ke aku selalu rasa aku je yang betul?

Betul ke?

Anyone? :l