Apa eh isu nk diperkatakan di sini ? Idea idea.
Honey, thanks for what you've told me last night :')
Orang kata, kalau kite nk sesuatu relationship tu work out, one step you have to do is dont keep running from the danger zone. Do you know what it means ?
It means, when you get into a relationship, dont afraid to tell what you feel. Dont assume that your partner know what you feel inside, because 99.9% of what inside you, they dont know.
What is danger zone?
Err, macam when you're afraid to tell or to ask something you really have to just because you're afraid you lose the relationship. If he or she really into you, semua benda boleh bawak bincang, right ?
Takkesahlah sape salah, dont be too ego. Everybody is not perfect. ;)
Love what you got. Dont be too greedy ;)
No one love to be compared to anyone, kannn ? Me either.
& maybe they have same hair same eyes. But they definitely not all the same.
Mine too ^___^
So takecare of what you got! :D
because if you see with your heart, you'll know they are always there.
Yeah right. n_n
But remember that, real man wont let himself stolen. Hehee.
No matter you're single or double triple etc etc.
Theres always one thing you have to believe ;
I only write what I feel bout that LOVE word.
No offense. Kalau rasa tak betol ala suka hati ah lahaiii haii.
psst: Ini masih lagi blog Thalover, bukan Dr Cinta. Sekian.
saya sayang dia.
saya mau teruskan hidup bersama dia. (^,^)---->
nota lutut: sorryla tumblr copy ayat skek.