بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

fire cracker

Every single content in this heaven is just my stuff . Thalover's things . So , if you're about to bring this stuff out of this cage , every consequences are under your own responsibilities . I dont take responsibility if there are any unsatisfied things that occur because of my writing . I dont really care about what I wrote , & definitely not dealing with it . ;) -

the world now , live in fear

Hari-hari tgk berita buruk jam 8 . Hari-hari gk aku tgk ade org yg dh hilang sifat penyayang dorang . How cud they able to hurt someone that too small ? Latest news , jumpe budak sembilan bulan kene bunuh dalam beg baju . WTH ? I mean , seriously , waddehek ? ! Ape manusia skunk dh tade otak ke ? We have different type of colours , hair or eye balls but we're too same in one way ; we got brain . Oke , aku bukan sorg yg sgt prihatin pn ngn keadaan sekeliling . But unfortunately , aku still ade rasa human . ALOT . How cud you lose it ? Bukankah mengambil nyawa itu kerja Tuhan ? Bukan aku , bukan kamu . Tak rase pape ke bile pukul budak yg sgt tatao pape tuh ? What love means to them ? Is it kill them when they do the wrong things ? Sepak ble die tumpahkan susu atas tilam , lempang ble die men tarik2 rambut mase kite nga wt keje && bunuh tros ble dorg nanes tak benti ? Ya Allah , inikah dunia akhir zamanMu ?

dont you feel the thing everytime u look in their eyes ?

Aku bukan sorg yg terlalu baik , bukan gk sorg yg sgt jahat . Aku cume makhluk Allah yg sygkn makhluk Allah yg laen . Im begging for those hu already hav their stupidity and lose their humanity , please stop hurting them . Dont kill them . You dont deserve to do that . Please . Let them live . Ya Tuhan , jauhkan aku dari menjadi seorang ibu yg mampu mendera anaknya kerana rasa marah yg bertulangkan hasutan setan laknatullah . Amin .

Entry nih ntok ajak korang sedar skali ngn aku , yg skunk , dh ramai sgt yg buat budak mcm sampah . For those hu hav the ability to stop this , please do it , immediately . dah dahla sebok dgn pembongkaran macam macam video seks dalam dunia politik . Bukankah pemimpin ade tugas dan tanggungjawab yg lagi besar selaen politik mereka ? Lihatlah dgn mata hati . Lindungilah mereka . Mereka lagi memerlukan . Jangan jd buta hati . Ini cuma suara hati seorang manusia dgn anugerah naluri ibu milik Allah SWT .

they are from God

oke nih aku tak phm . WAKAKAKA !

Sorry for any uncomfortable . This is just a apart of my 'mommy' inside :) ~

psstt : Mama , Papa . Tq sbb jaga kami sampai besoo cmni . * huggs