" We have to grow individually with a lot of
individual around us "
Aku direct jepla eh ntok entry kali nih? Allow me aw. Emm, I'm on may way to grow up. So, maybe byk gile mistakes yang aku pena buat and baru buat and akan buat. Siyes aku tanak sume ni happen. But, what I have done to you that makes you hate me this much? I'm not blaming you, or anyone but myself. Aku byk buat silap, rite? But which one that makes you hate me? Jgn hukum aku cmni. Apa aku dh buat? Tell me. Aku tak amek ati pn apa ko ckp, aku just nk tao apa aku perlu buat ntok ko maafkan aku. Siyes. Klu aku wt slh, ckpla kn. Sbb aku bkn psikik ntok baca ape ade lam pkiran ko. Sumpah. I really donnow what to do, then pls tell me. Takkesala klu ko dh tanak kwn aku, aku still syg ko as kwn. Sbb walao tak byk yg kite pena wt sesame, tp ko kwn yg sgt best. Cross my heart. Thanx ehh. Hope entry nih xmenyakitkan ati ko. Again, I'm sooo sorry fo what I've done. Aku tatao nk ckp cnne ngn ko, sbb aku bukan pengayat yg baek. I slip on my words. Aku tanak tersilap ckp dh. Huhu. So, aku hope klu ko baca nih, aku nk ko tao, aku nk sgt kite dpt settle lelok. And tak marah aku dh. Because the ship that never sink is friendship.