January 18. my first kimia lab class. Tanak ckp bykla kn, lets see how it goes. Oke? ;)
First: I stepped on my google glass. CRACK! mmg sah2la terus pecahkn? Buang rm15 cmtuh jep.
Second: I dropped the solution that the scientist called, sodium. Oke, basah satu meja. Tp keep cool laa kn. Wat muke xbersalah and lap jepla. =.=
Third: my partner lab said " Oi, ko betolkanla burette nih. Aku mls " Ngan muke bengang tp ikhlas, aku betolkan laa, but. Guess what? " Aku tak suruh ko patahkan! " , Dude, I'm sorry.
Last and I really wish the last: I burned my partner's lab coat. ==" Oke, sumpah xsengaja brader. Haih.
What kind of people that have a very bad luck in their lives? The answer, ME. HAHA.
psst: awk ckp, " Accident happens :) " oke awk. Lega. :DD